Legislative Council: Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Return to Work, Health Benefits

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:48): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister for industrial relations a question without notice about return to work payments for medical expenses.

Leave granted.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I draw the minister and the council's attention to the provisions under the current Australian government Department of Health's Medicare Benefits Schedule Book, operating from 1 July 2019. I note that under that schedule Medicare does not pay for these expenses due to a note in the Medicare Benefits Schedule, note GN.13.33. Specifically, the relevant extract is GN.13.33 Services which do not attract Medicare benefits. It states:

Medicare benefits are not payable where the medical expenses for the serviceā€¦

(b) are for a compensable injury or illness for which the patient's insurer or compensation agency has accepted liability.

(Please note that if the medical expenses relate to a compensable injury/illness for which the insurer/compensation agency is disputing liability, then Medicare benefits are payable until the liability is accepted.);

My question to the minister is: where the liability has been accepted, in any case in South Australia is it currently the case that an injured worker is required to pay out of Medicare benefits or their private health insurance for that workplace injury? My second question is: is the Marshall government considering introducing that?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:50): I am happy to take that question on notice and, given this is the last sitting day, if I get an answer prior to the next sitting day, correspond by way of letter to the honourable member with a reply.