Legislative Council: Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Parliamentary Committees

Natural Resources Committee: Management of Overabundant and Pest Species

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.J. Stephens:

That the report of the committee, on an inquiry into management of overabundant and pest species, be noted.

(Continued from 3 July 2019.)

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (21:45): The Natural Resources Committee held an inquiry into the management of overabundant and pest species in 2018 as part of a significant review of the natural resources management framework in South Australia. The inquiry sought to assess the efficacy of current legislative and policy approaches used to manage overabundant and pest species, and to determine whether other approaches may also provide effective strategies.

The committee invited submissions on the costs of managing overabundant and pest species and their impact within South Australia. As part of our hearings, the committee visited Meningie and the Coorong region, hearing evidence from 12 witnesses, and received 44 submissions. The committee received evidence about a wide range of impacts including on agricultural industries, ecosystems and animal welfare.

The inquiry heard divergent opinions among stakeholders about how overabundant and pest species should be best managed. Stakeholder responses reflected the varying interests in any management approaches adopted. Varying opinions among community members about management of overabundant and pest species suggests that communication and education are important considerations.

I note the committee heard evidence that there is an abundant species problem that is causing an imminent threat to our state's biodiversity. The overabundance of several species has been caused over time, including by the clearing of native vegetation. Any revision of the natural resources management legislative framework should be supported by issue-specific guidelines and/or codes of practice developed by stakeholders, such as the appropriate agencies, local authorities, relevant experts and Aboriginal community representatives.

Recommendations made by the committee include that the Minister for Environment and Water ensure that the Landscape SA framework provides appropriate resourcing of landscape regions to continue the local management of overabundant and pest species. I also note the recommendation that the South Australian government should participate in further negotiation with states and commonwealth for longer-term funding, and funding of prevention-based approaches.

I also note that the committee recommends that the South Australian government should provide more education and information to the community about environmental management practices, including the rationale for decisions made in relation to overabundant and pest species. Finally, I note that the committee recommends that the South Australian government should continue to monitor relevant and emerging research that provides an evidence base for best practice management responses.

I would also like to compliment the great work of the committee secretary and research officer during this inquiry, and also the significant contribution by the Hon. Mr Stephens in this place, who represents the government very well on the committee.

The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (21:48): I would like to thank the Hon. Russell Wortley for his contribution and significant input to the committee—outstanding, really—and commend the motion.

Motion carried.