Legislative Council: Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Parliamentary Committees

Legislative Review Committee: Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance)

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.J. Stephens:

That the Legislative Review Committee inquiry report on the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance) Variation Regulations 2019 (SA) be noted.

(Continued from 16 October 2019.)

The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (20:40): I rise today to put on the record my thanks and brief evaluation of the Legislative Review Committee. Over the past year, the committee has achieved a considerable amount. I thank the Hon. Terry Stephens, as Chair of the committee, for driving the fruitful and diverse discussions. I would like to thank the Hon. Connie Bonaros, Mr Dan Cregan, Mr Joe Szakacs and Mr Josh Teague for their contribution to the committee. Each member brings their own experiences and skills to the group.

Behind the scenes, there are two important figures I would like to recognise: committee secretary, Matt Balfour, and research officer, Lisa Baxter. I thank these two members for supporting the committee. I am personally thankful for the work they do. Their exceptional work ethic shows how much they value the parliamentary process and they provide invaluable assistance on legislation.

The committee's structure is strong and capable of looking into a larger range of issues than we do currently. Being a member of this committee, we have a responsibility to ensure we have a large scope of activities to review. The newly established committee into committees will help us finetune the role we as a committee hold, and how we can be most effective in dealing with legislative review. I look forward to continuing the important work we do as a committee and look forward to continuing in its important agenda: reviewing legislation and regulations.

The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (20:41): I would like to thank the Hon. Irene Pnevmatikos for her contribution, and for her contribution to the committee, as with other members, and commend the report.

Motion carried.