Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Lotteries Bill

Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading.

(Continued from 31 October 2019.)

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (17:22): I rise to speak on the Lotteries Bill 2019 and indicate that I will be the lead speaker for the opposition. I indicate from the outset that the opposition is supportive of the Lotteries Bill 2019. It seeks to repeal the Lottery and Gaming Act 1936 and replace it with a new act with a framework to distinguish between unlawful and lawful gaming, and for the licensing of certain lottery products; for example, instant scratch tickets, bingo, fundraiser lotteries, house and land lotteries, etc.

It also looks to simplify and modernise the licensing of lottery products and also trade promotions, which can be defined as lotteries promoting the sale of goods or services. Fundraiser lotteries are an important way for sporting clubs and community clubs to raise funds for their organisations, and I hope these amendments result in modernisation of the regulation of lotteries and that they, therefore, assist community clubs and sporting clubs in their fundraising efforts.

Other changes contained in the bill should also improve the regulation of lotteries in South Australia, including:

providing for the nomination of a person who will be responsible for complying with requirements under the act for licence applications made by an unincorporated association;

allowing for renewal of licences;

allowing the commissioner to add, to vary or to revoke licence conditions;

requiring licensees to notify the commissioner of changes to their particulars;

introducing expiation fees for a breach of lotteries regulation; and

renaming the Lottery and Gaming Act 1936 as the Gaming Offences Act 1936.

I also understand that the enforcement of lotteries regulations by Consumer and Business Services inspectors will form part of the associated Gambling Administration Bill 2019. As the government has stated, this bill will be the first step in modernising lotteries regulation in South Australia, which will provide a mechanism to permit and licence certain classes of lotteries and prescribe relevant conditions of rules for conducting lotteries. We therefore will be supporting the bill.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. D.G.E. Hood.