Legislative Council: Thursday, August 01, 2019


Director of Public Prosecutions (Pension Entitlements) Amendment Bill

Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading (resumed on motion).

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (17:32): I rise to very quickly make a second reading contribution. I indicate that Labor supports this bill. I also indicate that I am the lead speaker. The appointment of Justice Hinton as the new DPP has met with acclaim and been warmly received across most sectors of South Australia's legal community. Justice Hinton was admitted to the bar in 1989 in South Australia and in the UK in 1992, where he worked in London as the Senior Crown Prosecutor. He first joined the DPP in 1993 and was appointed Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions in 2007. His Honour Justice Hinton was appointed QC in 2006 and Solicitor-General in 2008 and appointed to the Supreme Court in 2016.

He is considered by most to be very qualified to take on the role as the new Director of Public Prosecutions. I indicate once again, although it is unusual in the circumstance where we are asked to pass the bill quickly, we understand the need for this, and I thank the Attorney-General for the briefing in relation to this bill. We will support its passage as swiftly as possible.

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (17:34): The Greens will be supporting this bill. Whilst in situations like this we would normally rail against the fact that it has been introduced and we have been asked to vote for it within a period of a small number of hours, I do appreciate that the Attorney-General’s staff members have gone out of their way to brief us on it. I wish Justice Martin Hinton all the best in his new role as our Director of Public Prosecutions.

Normally, we would also direct criticism at previous drafting of this legislation, but I am prepared to acknowledge that it probably was not anticipated that a sitting Supreme Court judge might end up getting the job as Director of Public Prosecutions. I think, as a matter of fairness, it seems appropriate that His Honour should be able to maintain his existing entitlements. There is no question of any additional entitlements flowing. It is simply a matter of moving from one area of public service to another, and the bill, in those circumstances, seems entirely appropriate.

Bill read a second time.

Committee Stage

Bill taken through committee without amendment.

Third Reading

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (17:37): I move:

That this bill be now read a third time.

Bill read a third time and passed.