Legislative Council: Thursday, August 01, 2019


Land Tax

The Hon. J.A. DARLEY (14:49): Supplementary: Treasurer, I did not suggest for one minute that you would discuss what you were proposing with the Premier's economic advisory board, but I thought you might have discussed the state of the economy with the board without discussing the actual issue of concern, and in particular the report that came out from CommSec this week suggesting that South Australia ran number six in the state.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:49): I am sure the Premier, every time that particular group meets with him, discusses the state of the economy. I am not sure when his most recent meeting with that particular group might have been. I know that Mr Reade, for example, has been away, so I am not sure when the most recent meeting was. I think the frank answer to that question is that I am sure the Premier, when he meets with them, has a frank discussion about a whole range of issues, but one of them I am sure at each meeting will be the state of the economy, how the government through policies, direction, the state's growth agenda, population growth strategies—all those sorts of things—can help grow the state's economy.

I am sure those sorts of issues would be canvassed and I am sure, if there has been a recent meeting since the budget or if there is to be one in the near future, the issue of tax reform, and in particular land tax, would be a subject of some discussion. They would be confidential discussions between the Premier and the members of that particular group. I am not a member of that particular group; it's an advisory group that specifically meets with the Premier on a regular basis.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Pangallo, a further supplementary.