Legislative Council: Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Public Sector Employees

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:06): My question is to the Treasurer as the minister responsible for the public sector. What goals and targets has the Marshall government set for the employment of women within the public sector?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:06): I am happy to take that particular question on notice. I am not aware of a specific percentage target in relation to the percentage of women, other than equal opportunity. I think there are ongoing broad targets that the government talks about in relation to boards and committees, but that is not the question that the honourable member has asked. She has asked a question in relation to the percentage of females employed in the Public Service.

Having come, some 20 years ago, from a previous government in which the percentage of women vastly outnumbered the number of men in particular departments and agencies, I think the honourable member will, if she looks at the workforce reports that the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment produces on an annual basis, see that there are some departments and agencies where in terms of numbers—schools, for example, are desperate to try to employ male teachers, particularly in junior primary and primary schools, because of the lack of males teaching in those particular areas.

Some departments and agencies have significantly more females than males. Some departments and agencies have significantly more males than females. I am happy to take on notice the question in relation to a specific percentage target. I am not aware that there is a specific percentage target other than, to the extent possible, equal treatment of everybody in terms of employment. There is certainly information available publicly on the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment's website, and I am happy to extract from that factual information in relation to what the current situation is.