Legislative Council: Thursday, February 28, 2019



The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:45): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Leader of the Government questions in relation to potential breaches of the law.

Leave granted.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: Last year, the public of South Australia were made aware that comments made by the Attorney-General could amount to a breach of the ICAC Act and were being assessed by police. Legal advice tabled in this chamber from a former Federal Court judge concluded, based on information known, that a breach of the act, in particular section 56A, was likely to have occurred. Today, we learned that this matter has been referred to the DPP after police assessment. This has gone well beyond an initial police assessment and is now in the hands of the DPP. My questions to the Leader of the Government are:

1. When did the Leader of the Government first learn that this matter had been referred to prosecutors?

2. Does the Leader of the Government think it appropriate that any minister, let alone the Attorney-General, should stand aside if their actions have been referred to the DPP?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:46): These matters have been canvassed since late last year. The Attorney-General late last year and again today in her ministerial statement, which I have tabled in this chamber, has outlined clearly and succinctly her position in relation to this issue. I have nothing further to add in relation to that aspect of it, nor would it be appropriate for me to add any commentary in relation to the issue. In relation to when I first became aware of this particular aspect of the issue, it was today.