Legislative Council: Thursday, February 28, 2019


National Disability Insurance Scheme

The Hon. C. BONAROS (14:36): Supplementary: will the minister undertake to defer to her department and bring a response back to this place about whether indeed such arrangements have been discussed, and whether those discussions have taken place also with the relevant organisations involved?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:36): I will double-check but I would have to say that, if it affects anyone, it would be a small number of services that affect specific cohorts where we are working through some of those interface issues. But, in the main, most providers, I understand, have known that this is the arrangement and I would be very surprised if they were not aware of that.

The PRESIDENT: Before I give the Hon. Mr Hood the call, members should be mindful that if you seek leave for a brief explanation, please give the topic, so the other members can decide whether to grant leave. And, particularly for the government benchers, if you have a complaint about the nature of a question being asked, you stand on your feet and you raise a point of order. It is easily accessible in the standing orders, particularly to the Liberal front bench. The Hon. Mr Hood.