Legislative Council: Tuesday, December 04, 2018


Courts Administration Authority

74 The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (25 October 2018). Can the Attorney-General advise:

1. What was the once-off reclassification of expenditure from investing capital to operating in 2017-18 in the Courts Administration Authority budget and was Treasury approval required and sought for?

2. What was the $200,000 of increased savings for 2017-18?

3. What is the explanation for the higher expenditure for the Electronic Court Management System in 2017-18 of $400,000?

4. What major investing projects were funded through the $17.3 million drawdown?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Attorney-General has provided the following advice:

1. This reclassification relates to a change in accounting treatment for different asset classes of the CAA's library collection. The reclassification was approved by Treasury.

2. This relates to annual efficiency dividends allocated in 2017-18.

3. This relates to carryover adjustments.

4. The Higher Courts Redevelopment Project and the Electronic Court Management System.