Legislative Council: Tuesday, December 04, 2018


Consumer and Business Services

118 The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (25 October 2018). Can the Attorney-General advise:

1. Why are employee expenses up by around $2.7 million for Consumer and Business Services compared to 2017-18 levels?

2. Why have other expenses increased by $700,000 in 2018-19?

3. Are the more than 10 additional FTEs budgeted for in 2018-19 transfers from the Independent Gaming Authority? If so, what roles and functions will these FTEs undertake and what is the total remuneration of these FTEs?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Attorney-General has provided the following advice:

1. The main reason for the increase is due to an increase in indirect costs attributed to the CBS program in 2018-19. Indirect costs are allocated to all programs and relate to costs such as finance, procurement, human resources, ICT, FOI resources, facilities and security management, and executive support. The CBS program has received a greater allocation of these costs in 2018-19, mainly due to SafeWork SA and the South Australian Employment Tribunal being transferred out of the department in 2018-19.

In addition to this, there were also direct increases in funding to implement revised liquor licensing fees ($400,000), to implement property management reforms ($400,000) and annual indexation ($300,000) which are partly offset by an increase in savings ($700,000), the majority of which were allocated to the Attorney-General's Department as part of, or prior to, the 2017-18 Mid-Year Budget Review.

2. The increase in other expenses in the 2018-19 budget is due to adjustments associated with indirect costs allocated to this program (refer above).

3. No.