Legislative Council: Thursday, November 29, 2018



Pathology and Medical Imaging Services

Debate resumed.

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD (16:54): I indicate that the government will be pleased to support the Greens' amendment that quorum be three for the committee and also will accept the Hon. Emily Bourke as the chair and will not oppose that either.

The PRESIDENT: I am glad we are all in furious agreement, but there has to be a series of motions now presented to the council.

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (16:54): I rise to say that we will be supporting the motion and we will be supporting the amendments that have been put up by both the government and the Hon. Tammy Franks.

The Hon. J.A. DARLEY (16:55): For the record, I indicate that I will be supporting all the amendments and the motion.

The PRESIDENT: The first amendment that we will deal with is from the Hon. Ms Franks because it is seeking to amend the Hon. Terry Stephens' amendment to the motion. I put the question that the amendment moved by the Hon. T.A. Franks to the amendment moved by the Hon. Mr Stephens be agreed to.

Amendment carried.

The PRESIDENT: The next question I am going to put is that the new paragraphs (ea), (eb) and (ec), as proposed to be inserted by the Hon. Mr Stephens, be so inserted.

Amendment carried.

The PRESIDENT: The next question is that the amendment moved by the Hon. Mr Stephens, as amended by the Hon. Ms Franks, be agreed to.

Amendment as amended carried.

The PRESIDENT: I now put the final question that the motion as amended be agreed to.

Motion as amended carried.

The PRESIDENT: That completes the process. I call on the Hon. Ms Bourke.

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (16:57): Well, this has been an extraordinary experience; how much fun it has been. I am a very patient person—very patient—and I think I am also very accepting of suggestions and ideas, but I think that the government needs to look at their process. I will put this on the record because three weeks ago, if not longer, I went to the government and asked who would be going on the select committee, and I was advised of only one member.

I reconfirmed that discussion only yesterday. However, I am happy to have six people on there, that is not a problem. I look forward to this committee and I thank the members who have contributed to the discussion. I have been willing to accept the government's amendment; that is not a problem, if they want to try to deflect from the committee's agenda of looking at SA Pathology and the potential for it to be privatised. However, we will be looking at how we can protect the hundreds of jobs that are at risk, and that will be the focus of this committee. I look forward to working with everyone. The fact is that SA Pathology undertakes the most complex pathology work in South Australia.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: I think I have been pretty patient.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Bourke, you can speak but you did not move the motion. Can we just move the motion standing in your name and then continue with what you wish to say?

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Point of order, Mr President: I believe that when one is summing-up a motion, if there is new information one is allowed to speak on that new information for as long at it takes.

The PRESIDENT: No, it has been summed up and it has been put. The Hon. Ms Bourke can talk but she did not move her motion, which she is about to move, which is putting the people on the committee; therefore, she is entitled to speak after she moves it.

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: Thank you for everyone's feedback.

The PRESIDENT: So if you just move it and then continue with what you need to say.

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: I move:

That the select committee consist of the Hon. C. Bonaros, the Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins, the Hon. T.A. Franks, the Hon. J.E. Hanson, the Hon. T.J. Stephens and the mover.

The fact that SA Pathology undertakes the most complex pathology work in South Australia, while private labs send their samples to SA Pathology to manage, gives grounds to the need to address the risk of privatisation in a timely manner. These concerns were also recently highlighted by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paddy Phillips, when he was asked if there would be any impact if tests had to go interstate, and his answer was a resounding, 'Yes, there would be.'

This is a timely matter, and I am a little disappointed, I have to say, about the politics that has been played with this matter, with hundreds of jobs at risk. Therefore, it needs to be addressed and reviewed in a very timely manner. I look forward to working with all six committee members, and I commend the motion to the chamber.

Motion carried.

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: I move:

That the select committee have power to send for persons, papers and records, to adjourn from place to place and to report on Wednesday 3 July 2019.

Motion carried.