Legislative Council: Thursday, November 29, 2018


Mining Legislation

The Hon. T.T. NGO (15:08): My question is to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. Does the minister support a right of veto for farmers on mining freehold land? Does the minister support public calls by four of his colleagues in the government to undertake meaningful consultation with regional communities on the issue of land access?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:09): I thank the honourable member for his question. I don't quite know where he has been. I will address the right of veto first. I have made it very clear to every person I have ever spoken to on Yorke Peninsula and at every meeting of every group of farmers that a never ever, never ever policy isn't going to happen. You cannot say that we are never, ever going to look in a certain area for minerals. It simply doesn't work. I have often explained it to farmers' groups on the Yorke Peninsula.

If, under a farm somewhere like my old farm in Bordertown, there was a deposit—I will use copper, but a mineral—that was to help humanity get to the next galaxy in a thousand years' time, we are going to dig it up. If it happens to be that rare that we need it, we need to always have the option.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: The members opposite laugh because that's how childish they are. You can never have a never ever, ever policy when it comes to assets that are owned by all of the people of South Australia. As I said yesterday, the Hon. Mr Ngo, as a result of the actions in the House of Assembly, there will be a lot more consultation now until at least—I forget whether it was the 23rd or the 26th of February, when that bill is scheduled to be brought back on to debate. There will be quite a lot of conversation and a lot more consultation.

The PRESIDENT: The Leader of the Opposition, a supplementary?