Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Grassroots Sports Grant

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (15:34): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Hon. Stephen Wade, representing the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing, about today's announcement on grassroots sports grants.

Leave granted.

The Hon. F. PANGALLO: In his press release, the minister talks about his government wanting to drive up participation in sport and giving all players a fair go, but it appears that $24 million in grants for change rooms and lighting facilities may only apply to football—that is, those affiliated with the SANFL—cricket (SACA) and netball clubs. My question to the minister is: why has the biggest participations sport in this state and country, football (soccer), been overlooked along with other sports like hockey, baseball and basketball? Will this funding be available to other sports?

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (15:35): I thank the honourable member for the question for a colleague in another place. I will seek an answer to the question from that colleague.