Legislative Council: Thursday, September 06, 2018


SafeWork SA

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:25): Supplementary arising from the original answer: the Treasurer stated in his answer that the massive reduction of 40 staff in SafeWork SA won't affect inspectorate services. Can he outline what area of SafeWork SA will be slashed and where these 40 staff will lose their jobs? I believe this is in his area of responsibility. I know he has been fond already this week of saying, 'Oh, that's someone else's responsibility.'

The PRESIDENT: Leave the commentary alone. You've asked your question. Treasurer.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:25): I am surprised that the honourable member doesn't know the standing orders: there's no commentary in supplementary questions. I have not used the word 'slashed'—that was a word that the Leader of the Opposition used in relation to his description of the changes in the budget papers. I won't be verballed by the Leader of the Opposition in relation to a wordage that he uses and I certainly didn't use. I am happy to take on notice the details.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: Well, I have just indicated the evidence that the director gave to a public hearing before the ICAC commissioner. He indicated that there wouldn't be changes in relation to inspectorate services. There were to be changes in terms of admin and oversight. There were to be changes in relation to staff use of government-provided vehicles, which will provide, he believes, significant savings in terms of sensible use of taxpayer resources, certainly some reduction in terms of management oversight—too much administration, too much management. Let's concentrate the resources in terms of the people who do the principal work in relation to SafeWork SA, which is the inspectorate arm.

The other thing I think you have to bear in mind is that SafeWork SA, as currently structured, does a range of things, including, as the Hon. Mr Wortley will recall, a variety of other tasks such as shop trading hours and public holidays legislation. It has a collection of responsibilities which have been visited upon it and which are not directly related—public holidays legislation, for example—to the work of safe workplaces.

If there is anything useful I can add in addition to the comprehensive answers that I have provided to the leader's questions, I will consider whether I can bring back something on notice, but if not I will leave the matter, from my viewpoint anyway, on the basis of the answers I've given.