Legislative Council: Thursday, September 06, 2018



The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:35): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Treasurer a question regarding TAFE SA.

Leave granted.

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: My question for the Treasurer is on behalf of Jessica, who attends the Port Adelaide TAFE:

I am 18, and have a learning disability and struggle with various physical health issues that prevent me from holding down the types of jobs other people my age can do—like retail work.

I want to be a receptionist, that is why I am currently studying a Certificate 3 in Business Administration to achieve this goal. I also experience anxiety and depression.

Having lecturers on-site not only helps me to understand the content, but also alleviates my anxiety—I feel safe and supported in the TAFE community.

If the TAFE closes, I won't be able to continue on with the course and reach my goal of becoming a receptionist.

Jessica's question to the Treasurer is, 'How is cutting the Port Adelaide TAFE helping me, and isn't this just a quick fix to help your back pocket at the expense of students?'

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Bourke, it can't really be Jessica's question. I am going to take the question as your question to the Treasurer, which is without the preamble. Treasurer.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:37): Should I have the good fortune of meeting with Jessica, through the honourable member, what I would say to Jessica is, 'Whatever you do, Jessica, don't believe the hypocrites within the Labor Party.' That's what I would say to Jessica, 'Jessica, sit down, let's have a discussion, but whatever you do don't believe the hypocrites'—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: —'I don't believe the hypocrites in the Labor Party, hypocrites like the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Mr Malinauskas; hypocrites like the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Dr Susan Close; hypocrites like the former treasurer, Mr Koutsantonis; and hypocrites like the current shadow treasurer, Mr Mullighan.'

What I would say to Jessica, through the honourable member, is, 'Jessica, the hypocrites in the Labor Party are exactly the same people who closed down the O'Halloran Hill TAFE, who closed down the Marleston TAFE, who closed down the Panorama TAFE, who closed down the Morphett Vale TAFE and who closed down 10 TAFE sites in country areas.' I would say to Jessica, 'Jessica, go back to the Leader of the Opposition and the honourable member and say to them, "Well, the Treasurer has just said to me that all he is doing is a lot less than you did. Perhaps you can explain to me why you closed down the Marleston TAFE, the O'Halloran Hill TAFE, the Panorama TAFE and the Morphett Vale TAFE".'

And I would say to Jessica, 'When you get an answer from the hypocrites in the Labor Party, then let's have another discussion.' Let's have another discussion, because what the people of South Australia will recognise is that they can sniff out hypocrisy a mile away—a kilometre away. They can sniff out hypocrisy at a kilometre away. There is a stench and there is a stink from the Labor Party in relation to their claims about the closure of TAFE sites. I will happily have a discussion with Jessica, or indeed with the Hon. Ms Bourke, or indeed anybody, about TAFE site closures.

This is the hypocrisy of Labor members, who as a former Labor government went on a rampant site closure across country communities, across the metropolitan area. There were about 14 of them, about 14 closures over a range of years, and the Liberal government has nominated four site closures. The members of the opposition are strangely silent as the evidence of their rank hypocrisy, their gross hypocrisy on this issue, is apparent for anyone to see.