Legislative Council: Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Port River Dredging

In reply to the Hon. F. PANGALLO (29 May 2018).

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment): The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government has advised:

In response to a request for further information from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) associated with the assessment of the dredge application, Flinders Ports provided further information related to the methodology and costs associated with land-based dredge spoil.

The EPA itself also sought further independent review of the material provided by Flinders Ports. I refer the honourable member to documents available on the EPA website in response to his question. Mockinya Consulting report Attachment 5: https://www.epa.sa.gov.au/files/13468_mockinya_consulting_report_flinders_port.pdf

Flinders Ports Pty Ltd Outer Harbor Channel Widening Project Response to EPA RFI#3 Attachment 4 https://www.epa.sa.gov.au/files/13467_flinders_port_additional_info.pdf. I also refer the honourable member to the EPA website for further information on the application and the assessment process. This website is located at www.epa.sa.gov.au.