Legislative Council: Thursday, July 05, 2018


Housing Authority

In reply to the Hon. F. PANGALLO (5 June 2018).

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services): The Department for Human Services has advised that:

There has been no change to policy with regard to the write off of debt, but a more rigorous process of review has been implemented in recent years ahead of a business system replacement.

Outstanding debt may be written off in cases of bankruptcy, death, debt settlement, domestic violence, financial hardship, imprisonment or legal judgement. It may also be written off where:

the customer is experiencing long term financial hardship

the statute of limitations has been reached

Housing SA has made an error

the debt is uncollectable

the debt is uneconomical to recover

the debtor is un-locatable

the debt is unsubstantiated.

Of the 1000 homes in 1000 days approximately 660 homes are expected to be completed by the end of September 2018. The remaining homes will be completed in the following months. Tenders to build 1,000 homes have been released to market.