Legislative Council: Thursday, July 05, 2018


Tourism Promotion Appearance Fees

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:15): Final supplementary: how does the minister know that people will refuse the clause, unless they have been asked?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:16): I suspect that in the end that's maybe where we end up: with some sort of a contract that will say, 'This will be subject to disclosure', and then they can either elect for it not to be disclosed, or they will put a time limit on it. Those are the discussions we are having. There might well be an opportunity for somebody to say, 'Yes, sure, I'm very happy for that to be disclosed publicly. I don't have a problem. As soon as the event is concluded I am happy for it to be disclosed.'

It's one of those things, and we are having those discussions. I am not trying to be secretive with the chamber. It's early days, but we are trying to work out a way that, as I said earlier, gives the best possible promotion to South Australia's tourism industry and events to fill the Adelaide Oval and the hotels and to couple that with the best possible level of transparency for the South Australian taxpayers.