Legislative Council: Wednesday, July 04, 2018


State Government Concessions

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (15:23): My question is to the Minister for Human Services. Can the minister update the council as to the purpose and scope of the current review of the concessions in SA, including who is conducting the review and when will the review's findings be finalised and released?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:24): I thank the honourable member for her question. In relation to the concession review, the scope, as I understand it, is limited to some of the mechanics of the computer systems and so forth that operate. As a number of honourable members would understand, a range of concessions are provided to South Australians. They involve a cost-of-living concession, emergency services levy concession, energy concessions, a medical heating and cooling concession, residential parks, sewerage and water.

There is a range of different conditions in terms of how those concessions are applied to people, according to whether they are home owner-occupiers or tenants and so forth. From that point of view, it is quite a cumbersome area to administer. My understanding is that the existing review is considering how we can manage those concessions in a more efficient manner from the point of view of our internal processes. In relation to any of the details that I have not given an answer to, such as which organisation is conducting that, I will take those on notice and provide responses for the honourable member.