Legislative Council: Tuesday, June 19, 2018


PageUp Services

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:31): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question to the Treasurer regarding the utilisation in the public sector of PageUp Services and the recent cybersecurity threat.

Leave granted.

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: Mr President, I move:

That so much of standing orders be suspended that will prevent the member from completing her question and for the honourable minister to respond.

Motion carried.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Thank you, Mr President. In May, PageUp, a software company that is a human resources software company, informed the Australian Cyber Security Centre and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner that it had suffered a cybersecurity breach. Subsequently, it was reported that SA Health was caught up in this major breach and had undertaken an internal investigation. I am informed also that other government departments in South Australia, such as SA Water and agencies such as ReturnToWork, use the same e-recruitment service.

The information from PageUp to those employees and jobseekers has been to contact the agencies to whom they may have applied and presented personal information and seek to ensure that the data breach has not compromised their privacy. As well, if they believe they are victims of identity fraud due to this breach, to do such things as clarify bank details, contact DFAT with regard to passport information, change accounts and passwords, and so on.

I note that SA Health and SA Water both have advisories on their jobseeking portals, to potential jobseekers as well as current employees, about these breaches. My question to the Treasurer is: can he outline the exact nature of all of the departments and agencies that use PageUp Services, and have the people who may have had their data breached been contacted directly; what has been the ongoing investigation's results for SA Health; and has any other department or agency undertaken an investigation to ensure that no data of any potential employee or current employee has been breached?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:34): It's an important question. I will refer the honourable member's question to the appropriate minister or ministers and bring back a reply.