Legislative Council: Thursday, October 19, 2017


Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecological Services

The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE (15:09): A further supplementary then: I take the minister at face value that there is no reduction in quality and capability of gynaecological services at the new RAH as against the old RAH. Why then was this patient, an acute care patient in a serious condition, transferred to the Flinders Medical Centre, or is he saying that his department hasn't even advised him, without giving away any confidentiality? We are not about breaching confidentiality here. We are about getting to the bottom of the truth on this. Has he been advised by his department that they did have this patient transferred to the FMC?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (15:10): Just to be clear regarding the first supplementary that the honourable member asked, what I am saying is that my original answer was not intended to, nor did it, provide an analysis on the existing gynaecological services that are being provided at both The QEH and the NRAH in comparison to what was the case at the old RAH. That wasn't my intention, and that was not what I was saying. Again, I am not able to go into the details of specific cases.