Legislative Council: Wednesday, July 05, 2017


APY Lands, Policing

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:50): Forgive me if the minister has already stated this, but I am not sure that he did. He has given us the number of police currently on the APY lands, but what is that up from? In other words, how big an increase is this resourcing?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:50): Travelling around the APY lands, I have had the opportunity to speak with the police officer who used to be the sole police officer. There was a period when there was only one active sworn FTE responsible for the whole of the APY lands, which is an extraordinary distance and area. So, there used to be at one point only one, and now it has, like I said, been ramped up to 20 on the lands plus the five FTEs just outside in Marla.

I should also mention that there are two community constables on the lands as well, which is short of where we would like it to be, which is eight. There are eight funded positions but, as I think I have spoken about previously in this place, there have been challenges in filling those roles. The short answer to your question is it is up from one.