Legislative Council: Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Medical Cannabis

The Hon. J.A. DARLEY (14:39): My question is to the Minister for Police. Does the minister agree with SAPOL's decision to proceed with the prosecution of Jenny Hallam, who was supplying medicinal cannabis oil free of charge to people who are terminally ill or suffer from an illness which responds positively to cannabis oil? Is the minister aware that there have been people who have died as a result of not receiving their cannabis oil from Jenny Hallam?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:39): The answer to that question is pretty simple in that of course I support our men and women in uniform fulfilling their obligations as police officers and enforcing the law as it stands. Our men and women in uniform do not have the liberty of choosing which laws they enforce and which ones they do not. They have made an oath to uphold the law of the state and to enforce the law of the state.

While I appreciate the circumstances around the charging of the lady mentioned by the honourable member are somewhat controversial, our police have to be independent of the political view of the day around a particular piece of statute or law, and enforce it. While it may be difficult, I think it is a concept that we all support in this place. We have a process in this state, indeed in this country, of formulating legislation. If there are flaws within respective legislation, it is up to the parliament to address those in due course. It is not within the purview of police to pick and choose what laws they enforce.