Legislative Council: Thursday, November 17, 2016


Adelaide Parklands

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (15:04): Supplementary arising from the minister's answer. My question derives from the minister's answer, where he said they will be 'driven by community demands'. Does he agree that the citizens' jury might be a good way to determine the views of the community that he seeks to represent?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (15:04): They may be, but of course in my previous answer to a question this day I also mentioned that in our consultation to get more people into our peri-urban parks, we have consulted with about 11,000 people. That is another way of talking to the community and asking them, 'Actually what do you want to see in your parks that would encourage you to spend more time in them, bring your kids and have more fun?' and to have a better re-use factor, if you like, to encourage people to come back more than the occasional usage that they are using at the moment. And people tell us; surprisingly, when you ask people what they want, when you ask people, 'How would you like to see the government spend this $10.4 million in our peri-urban parks?' surprisingly they tell you. It will be a silly government that did not take advantage of that very free advice.