Parliamentary Procedure
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Forestry Industry
In reply to the Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (9 June 2016).
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy): The Minister for Forests has provided the following advice:
The Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovation in our forest and wood products industries. Since 2012 the South East Forestry Partnerships Program has been supporting the development of innovative products and technologies to increase sales volume and log throughput, to benefit the entire forestry supply chain in the South East.
Thirteen projects are being funded from the program which will generate more than $63 million of total investment in the region’s forestry industry. Many of these projects are now complete and contributing to increased economic activity and employment in the region. The Government through Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) also funds ForestrySA to undertake its Forest Industry Development program. This supports forestry related research and includes the dissemination of information for the benefit of the Forest Industry and the broader community, so management decisions can be tested against specific commercial, economic, and social parameters.
This helps individuals and businesses to respond in appropriate ways to changing markets and assist in the development of sustainable tree-based enterprises. The Government funds this program via its Community Service Obligation arrangements with ForestrySA. The current value of the program is approximately $0.5 million per year.
PIRSA and ForestrySA are currently negotiating a new three-year agreement to determine priorities for all Community Service Obligation-funded programs including the Forest Industry Development Program. Information about the proposed forest products innovation hub is being reviewed as it becomes available and consideration will be given to align or reprioritise current activities if warranted. At the time of the announcement by the Member for Barker, no approach had been made to the State Government proposing co-funding. To date, no such approach has been made.