Legislative Council: Thursday, August 04, 2016


South Australia Police

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (15:08): Supplementary question: why has the minister refused to support the police commissioner's statement that he had savings targets that he had to meet and that he had to therefore defer some of the recruiting activity and leave it for a later period?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:09): Mr President, any person who has paid attention to my remarks in this place will know that I consistently support the police commissioner. I think he is doing an outstanding job. Unlike those opposite and someone who often sits behind me over my right shoulder here, I do not believe that I can do a better job of being the police commissioner than the police commissioner. I believe we have the right person doing the job of police commissioner in this state and of course he has my support.