Legislative Council: Thursday, August 04, 2016


Adelaide Parklands

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (15:04): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Police, representing the Minister for the City of Adelaide, a question about the Adelaide Parklands.

Leave granted.

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: Under section 23 of the Adelaide Parklands Act 2005, if land within the Adelaide Parklands is no longer required for any of its existing uses, the minister must ensure that a report concerning the state government's position on the future use and status of the land is prepared within 18 months and tabled in parliament. This report must include information on the condition of the land and on 'the action, if any, that would be required in order to make the land suitable for public use as parklands'.

Back in 2007 the government committed to a new hospital, which is currently under construction, and as a result, the existing Royal Adelaide Hospital would no longer be required for use as a hospital. Then in November 2008 the then minister for environment and conservation, the Hon. Jay Weatherill, tabled a report in parliament which said that the government would 'explore opportunities and options to remove a number of buildings and give land back to all South Australians to enjoy'.

In particular, it was announced that 'investigations would occur into the possibility of returning part of the RAH site to the Adelaide Botanic Garden and the Parklands more broadly'. The report went on to say that no specific decision had been made as to which buildings would be demolished to return to public space or parkland. My questions of the minister are:

1. Will the minister be providing a further report to parliament that properly addresses the requirements of section 23 of the Adelaide Parklands Act in relation to the Royal Adelaide Hospital site?

2. What other reports will be prepared and tabled in parliament under section 23, in particular when might reports be available in relation to the change of use of Parklands, including expansion of the Casino onto Parklands, the Walker Corporation's proposed office block behind Old Parliament House and retail buildings on the Festival Plaza, the proposed new CBD high school and the O-Bahn project?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:06): Let me start by saying that I am really genuinely proud to be part of a state government that is committed to ensuring that the Parklands are accessible to all people, rather than an exclusive few. I am more than happy to take that question on notice and make sure that the responsible minister gets a proper answer back as soon as possible.