Legislative Council: Wednesday, July 27, 2016



Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Inc.

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates the Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Inc. for celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2016;

2. Acknowledges the work and commitment of the committee, staff and volunteers of Chinese Welfare Services for delivering important services to its members and the broader Chinese community of South Australia; and

3. Recognises the importance of their contributions in developing tailored programs and strategic partnerships that are socially inclusive and beneficial to members of the diverse Chinese community residing in South Australia.

(Continued from 22 June 2016.)

The Hon. T.T. NGO (17:41): I rise to support this motion, which congratulates the Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia on its 25th anniversary. I am sure that all members here, and in the other place, join me in acknowledging the wonderful work that Chinese Welfare Services does to support people of Chinese background. I would like to thank the Hon. Jing Lee for bringing this motion to the council. I have been fortunate enough to attend a number of Chinese Welfare Services events since I became a member of parliament. Chinese Welfare Services often hold events that preserve and promote Chinese culture.

Just a couple of weeks ago I attended a reception at Government House to celebrate Chinese Welfare Services' 25th anniversary, where a number of volunteers received certificates of appreciation for their service to the community. The association was formed in 1991 and has grown into one of the peak cultural welfare agencies in our state. Its vision is 'to become a leader of the cultural and linguistically diverse Chinese community and help build a harmonious and prosperous South Australia'. The organisation has reached a number of milestones on its journey to realise this vision.

Their achievements to date have been possible because of the dedicated staff and progressive boards who have provided outstanding leadership over the last quarter of a century. This leadership and innovation has meant that Chinese Welfare Services has not been afraid to take on complex social issues and provide relevant services in areas such as gambling addiction and accessing public housing.

The organisation has 400 members, a further 1,000 registered unpaid members and 70 volunteers. With such membership, it is well equipped to meet the social and welfare needs of the Chinese community. Whether it has been publishing the Chinese Community News, organising Chinese New Year festivals or participating in the Australia Day parade, Chinese Welfare Services has been an active participant in promoting multiculturalism in South Australia.

Throughout its illustrious history, Chinese Welfare Services has been at the forefront of designing and providing high quality, personalised and community services. It has done so by staying in touch with grassroots Chinese communities across South Australia. Among these vital services is support for older Chinese people through the Community Visitor Scheme, day care, home support, carer support services and basic English classes to improve their ability to communicate with others. Chinese Welfare Services also make contact with new migrants from China to ensure that they receive basic information about housing, employment, health, transport and community services to help them settle in their new homeland.

The organisation is playing an increasingly important role as an educator for its members. Education services range from basic computing and iPad courses, English classes for new Chinese migrants and teaching Chinese languages. The government acknowledges the increasingly important role that China is playing in the Asia-Pacific region and the exciting economic opportunities this presents for South Australia through our China Engagement Strategy.

I particularly want to congratulate the Chinese Welfare Services of SA's leaders, from the early pioneers to the current president, Ms Vivien Shae, and her executive team for their commitment to improving the quality of life of the Chinese community. They have done an outstanding job and are an example to other cultural communities of how collaborating with government and non-government agencies can deliver positive results.

I also want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the hundreds of volunteers, past and present, who over the past 25 years have given their time, skills and passion to ensure that the social and welfare needs of the Chinese community are met. The government supports this motion.

Motion carried.