Legislative Council: Wednesday, July 27, 2016


South Australia Police

The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE (14:59): Based on the minister's answers, has the minister got any advice for mature and young potential enrolees into the South Australia Police department as to what they do for income and employment for the next four years whilst they wait for the reinstatement of R313, because many of them are desperate to get in and get a job?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:00): Do I have advice for young people in this state who want to get a job in South Australia Police? Yes, I have some advice: vote Labor, because we are a government that is doing everything we can to make sure that SAPOL has the largest number of resources—

Members interjecting:


The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: —the most dollars available and more police officers than any other group that has been responsible for the police budget of South Australia. The other advice I give—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: —for those who care to listen, is that SAPOL has a very substantial effort going on in terms of recruitment at the moment. They are constantly having recruits in the system. I am advised that there are somewhere in the order of 154 cadet intakes occurring this financial year. There are plenty of opportunities for South Australians to apply for jobs through South Australia Police. I encourage them to go to the SAPOL website and look at the information regarding recruitment activities going on within SAPOL.