Legislative Council: Thursday, February 25, 2016


Band of SA Police

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (14:54): My question is to the Minister for Police. Can the minister advise the council on the role, history and future of the police band, particularly the work it does in the community?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:54): I would like to thank the honourable member for his important question. The timing of this question is outstanding because my office received a flurry of correspondence via email yesterday evening and this morning as a result of a great deal of confusion that exists within the community arising out of Liberal questions, and an announced intention to interrogate the police commissioner over the role of the Police Band.

I cannot tell the council how upset I have been to have had to reply, or to be in the process of replying, to these heartfelt messages coming across from our community to reassure them of this government's commitment to the Police Band, unlike what appears to be the case opposite. The highly regarded and greatly loved police band of South Australia plays a very important role in police operations. The band is steeped in history; indeed, it is the oldest police band in the nation and has over 130 years of active service. The band became a full military band in 1974.

There is a strong history of critical acclaim for the band as well as significant international recognition for its performances. It is a widely awarded band and performs on the international, national and local stage on a regular basis. The benefits of performances like these are that they are broadcast throughout the world, including on the BBC throughout the United Kingdom. I am also informed that the band's much coveted upcoming performance at The Queen's 90th birthday will be a performance telecast throughout the commonwealth as well as into the United States of America.

It is through the efforts of government, now underway, that SAPOL and Tourism SA are working very closely together to maximise the benefit of this extraordinary opportunity to promote our state. I have been advised that while the police band is performing on this international stage there will be opportunities to provide live images of everything that South Australia has to offer as a tourism destination. Why anyone would want to question the contribution the band makes to our society is utterly beyond me.

The Police Band provides performances that appeal to a wide range of audiences from preschoolers through to senior citizens. It plays an important role in supporting SAPOL messages on wise choices, particularly with young people in relation to safe driving and the dangers of illicit drugs. It is in this manner that our Police Band is on the front line of crime prevention.

I think it has been suggested recently by one Liberal member of parliament, that the Police Band is not on the front line. That is an appalling suggestion. The police band is on the front line all the time; indeed, I have been advised that the Police Band performs, on average, approximately 400 performances a year out on the front line, engaging with the grassroots of our community.

There is little doubt in the government's mind and there is little doubt in SAPOL's mind, I have been advised, that the Police Band performs an incredibly important role when it comes to crime prevention through active engagement within our community. This government will stand lockstep with SAPOL and Police Band members to ensure they continue to provide this outstanding service to our community.