Legislative Council: Thursday, February 25, 2016


National Water Initiative

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:41): A question arising out of the member's non-answers: the minister mentioned the National Water Initiative and that the information can be extracted from NRM boards. The government indeed has signed those principles to release the setting of water prices and charges. So the government agrees that if the decision was made not to apply these principles in a particular case the reasons for this would be tabled in parliament.

The PRESIDENT: Order! A supplementary is just a quick supplementary question arising out of the answer, not a life story. Ask him a supplementary.

The Hon. J.S. LEE: Will the minister table those particular noncompliance issues as per the agreement?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:42): I haven't got a clue what the honourable member's talking about, and that is not unusual. We need to go easy on her. I understand from my colleagues that she is up for a preselection battle this week. Of course, she is one of the most competent Liberals on that side of the bench, which is not a huge claim, in fact, when you look at the quality over there. Out of the whole stream—

The PRESIDENT: Just keep to answering the question.

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: —of those up, she is by far one of the best practitioners over there for the Liberal Party, and I wish her the very best of luck in her preselection.