Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Northern Economic Plan

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (14:44): I have a supplementary question. Can the minister outline to the council, or at least take on notice to provide, the actual details of the $10 million small business development fund, that is the process which industry will need to go through? Ultimately, will the final decision on disbursement of funds from that fund—the $10 million fund—be a decision signed off by the minister himself?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (14:44): I am very happy to come back. In fact, the Hon. Rob Lucas will not even need to invite me to come back. Once the $10 million small business fund has been finalised, I am sure I will come back and tell the council exactly what its guidelines are and exactly how it will work.

As I think I have told the chamber before, we announced the $10 million with the release of the Northern Economic Plan. We are currently in consultation with small business groups about the very best way to make sure that those grants have the biggest effect on helping small businesses, helping them to grow and create jobs. Once those consultations are finished and we have the program up and running and available, I absolutely will come back and inform the chamber of exactly how they will work.