Legislative Council: Thursday, February 11, 2016


Health and Community Services Complaints (Budget Report) Amendment Bill

Second Reading

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (17:11): I move:

That this bill be now read a second time.

I seek leave to have the second reading explanation inserted in Hansard without my reading it.

Leave granted.

Today I introduce a Bill to amend the Health and Community Services Complaints Act 2004.

Currently, section 15 of the Act states that the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner's proposed budget for a particular financial year is to be submitted for examination by the Economic and Finance Committee of the Parliament by the end of the preceding calendar year. This requirement is unique to the Commissioner as no other statutory office has a similar requirement.

The Economic and Finance Committee has recommended the Social Development Committee as a more appropriate committee to review the Commissioner's proposed budget as the current requirement is not consistent with the spirit of the Committee's functions. The Social Development Committee has indicated that reviewing the Commissioner's budget is not consistent with their functions.

There is no other parliamentary committee which is appropriate for reviewing the Commissioner's budget and although this provision has been in the Act for more than 10 years it is not necessary for the future. It is specific to the Commissioner and it is therefore proposed to remove section 15 from the Act.

In the absence of section 15 of the Act, the Commissioner is still required to table an annual report in Parliament and to meet normal accountability requirements. Removing this provision will not diminish accountability and I seek the support of all members in repealing section 15.

I commend the Bill to Members.

Explanation of Clauses

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

This clause provides the short title of the Bill, as the Health and Community Services Complaints (Budget Report) Amendment Act 2015.

2—Amendment provisions

This clause provides that a provision in the measure under a heading referring to the amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.

Part 2—Amendment of Health and Community Services Complaints Act 2004

3—Repeal of section 15

This clause deletes section 15 of the Health and Community Services Complaints Act 2004. That section currently requires the proposed budget of the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner for a particular financial year to be submitted for examination by the Economic and Finance Committee of the Parliament by the end of the preceding calendar year.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. T.J. Stephens.