Legislative Council: Thursday, February 11, 2016


Question Time

Mount Gambier Prison

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:27): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Correctional Services—I think that's his title—a question about the Mount Gambier Prison.

Leave granted.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: In the local newspaper from Mount Gambier, The Border Watch, on 4 February, the very hardworking and new member for Mount Gambier—unlike the ones who have preceded him for the last 20 years—Mr Troy Bell, made some comments about the Mount Gambier Prison. In response to those comments, the minister said, and I quote:

In his response, Mr Malinauskas said it had been no secret South Australia had experienced an increased prison population recently with Mount Gambier Prison currently housing around 460 inmates.

'However, there are definitely no prisoners sleeping on the floor at Mount Gambier Prison,' he said.

My question to the minister is: does he stand by his statement that there are definitely no prisoners sleeping on the floor?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:28): I thank the honourable member for his question. I also concur that Mr Bell is an advocate of Mount Gambier, does a good job quite well and has, indeed, for a long time had an interest in the Mount Gambier Prison, it being a large employer within his electorate. I am pleased to inform the chamber that I am advised that there are no prisoners sleeping on the floor in the Mount Gambier Prison.

The PRESIDENT: Supplementary.