Legislative Council: Wednesday, December 02, 2015


Skills for All

In reply to the Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE (24 February 2015).

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers): I have been advised—

This information can be found in the Legislative Council Hansard, on Tuesday 24 February 2015, on page 150.

The SASP target to increase by 10 per cent the number of people with disability employed by 2020 is complemented by government VET policy aimed at increasing the participation in VET by people who have not previously participated or who are underrepresented. In 2013 the participation of people with disability in VET increased by 58 per cent, or 3,200 additional enrolments, when compared to 2012.

In the higher education sector the commonwealth government has established a program of higher education support which includes a Disability Support Programme and a National Disability Coordination Officer Programme. Both programs are aimed at removing barriers to participation in higher education for students with disability.

Since 2012, potential VET students who struggle to meet the minimum entry requirements for a course have been able to access fee free foundation skills courses which support students to gain the skills they need to undertake and meet competency standards in vocational courses.

Current students who have learning needs gaps can also access fee free foundation skills bridging units to support them to succeed in their vocational course. Learner Support Services provide one-on-one support to students with complex support needs to address life, learning and transition issues to enable students to focus on and succeed in their studies. Students with disability have priority access to Learner Support Services.