Legislative Council: Wednesday, December 02, 2015


The Internet of Things Innovation Hub

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (14:55): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Science and Information Economy a question about smart cities.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA: The information economy is transforming the way we live and work and is crucial to our global success, our competitiveness and our connectedness. Can the minister inform the chamber on an initiative in partnership with industry that supports innovation and economic development?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:56): I thank the member for his question. South Australia is facing some very serious economic challenges into the future, and the state government understands the imperative behind seizing the opportunity offered by a range of technological advances, but particularly the Internet of Things.

With a potential world market of $26 billion, the Internet of Things connected things by the year 2020, the opportunities to generate commercially smart city innovations and applications are endless. In 2014 the state government, Adelaide City Council and telecommunications giant Cisco, signed an MOU to establish an Internet of Things innovation hub in the Adelaide CBD. Adelaide is the first Australian city to sign on to an Internet of Things innovation hub.

The hub, named Adelaide Smart City Studio, was launched last week in a dedicated space on the ground floor of the Adelaide City Council's administration centre at 25 Pirie Street. The studio will provide a physical space for entrepreneurs and other companies to collaborate on, develop and test smart city applications and technologies. The studio utilises the AdelaideFree Wi-Fi network providing an ideal test bed for companies to innovate and develop a range of smart city products, services and applications.

The MOU also formalises the collaboration between the parties to specify a range of Internet of Things initiatives and to explore potential opportunities to take advantage of Cisco's expertise for smart and connected communities and sustainable, innovative and cost-effective solutions for community and smart city development. In line with the MOU, a consortium comprising internet service provider iiNet with Cisco, US company Sensity Systems and local app developer Esmart21 has been selected by the Adelaide City Council to conduct two smart city pilot projects.

These projects involve smart street lighting and smart parking trials in the pilot areas of Hindmarsh Square and Pirie Street. The pilot projects commenced on 15 May 2015 and are expected to conclude in early 2016. These projects will inform potentially larger scale deployments across the CBD and the development of other pilot projects as well as the Adelaide Smart City Studio. I also believe that we furnished those sites with sensors attached to the lighting system to be able to provide us with a range of other information.

On 29 January 2015, Cisco announced that Adelaide will be part of its Smart and Connected Communities Lighthouse Cities program through which key partner cities around the world are designated as lighthouse cities and are used as places to showcase the Internet of Things innovations. Adelaide is the only Australian city to have been designated that status by Cisco.

Adelaide has a world-class reputation as a learning city and a diverse and exciting entrepreneurial system. This, paired with our Adelaide Free Wi-Fi Network, lighthouse city status and successful government-industry partnerships, will help ensure Adelaide's global competitiveness and success.

I would like to acknowledge the Adelaide City Council and Cisco for their significant investment and dedication to the Adelaide Smart City Studio. I look forward to seeing the Adelaide Smart City Studio evolve into a creator of compelling 21st century smart city solutions.