Legislative Council: Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Clare's Law

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:58): A supplementary question. On the issue of the database, how will the government identify whether a person requesting this information is in a relationship that might equate to risk, given that there are some potential privacy concerns? How does the government intend to deal with that issue?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:59): The honourable member has hit on one of the complexities to which I referred. There is a range of human rights issues that have to be sorted through. There are other jurisdictions that have this system in place, so we need to look at how they are operating and the sorts of frameworks they put around this to protect the rights of individuals as well as, obviously, protecting potential victims of domestic violence. They are the very things we will need to work through. I think the Hon. Tammy Franks did ask a number of quite specific questions, which I am happy to take on notice and bring back a response.