Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:29): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before directing a question to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation regarding the DEWNR budget.
Leave granted.
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: Earlier this year, it was revealed that senior government figures had spent a considerable amount of money at some of Adelaide's finest dining venues. This included a staff event from the minister's own department of DEWNR. As was reported, some 71 senior staff from his department spent $3,500 on a celebratory lunch at Ayers House at the same time as his department was undertaking a 40 per cent budget cut. My questions for the minister are:
1. Has he investigated this spending by his department?
2. Has he received an explanation regarding the expenditure?
3. Will he be taking any action on this particular issue?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:30): I would like to thank the member for her most important question. I advise her that I will take that on notice and come back with a response, should it be necessary.