Legislative Council: Thursday, September 10, 2015


Answers to Questions

Skills for All

In reply to the Hon. R.I. LUCAS (3 June 2015).

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers): I have been advised—

The 86,561 figure cited by Mr Garrand on 2 May 2013 was based on NCVER data.

The pre-Skills for All figure that I have previously cited, of approximately 65,000 training places, is based on departmental data.

The figures are not directly comparable because they reference different measures and include different things such as funding source, different periods (calendar versus financial year) and different counts (students versus places).

The NCVER figures include all government (state and commonwealth) funded VET activity as well as TAFE fee for service activity.

In order to provide a clear indication of training under Skills for All and now WorkReady, the number of training places that the South Australia government subsidised through the training fund alone was estimated by the department.

I am advised that this figure consists of training places (rather than students) subsidised through funding streams previously associated with TAFE and User Choice training for apprentices and trainees.

I am advised that it does not include other training activity or employment programs beyond these sources. The 65,000 measure focusses on SA government training fund expenditure.

In 2015-16 the South Australian government will continue to fund around the same number of training places—approximately 81,000—as we did in 2014-15.