Legislative Council: Thursday, May 07, 2015


National School Chaplaincy Program

In reply to the Hon. D.G.E. HOOD (16 September 2014). (First Session)

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change): The Minister for Education and Child Development has received this advice:

Correspondence has been received from concerned parents providing their examples of proselytising—particularly proselytising by Schools Ministry Group (SMG) Christian Pastoral Support Workers. The Chief Executive of my department, Mr Tony Harrison, met with the Executive Director of SMG, Ms Angela Jolly, in 2014 to remind her that proselytising in public schools was unacceptable.

On 11 November 2014 the former Minister for Education and Child Development signed the new Commonwealth project agreement for the National School Chaplaincy Programme on behalf of the Government of South Australia. Under this agreement, all persons engaged to provide pastoral care must be able to provide the following:

Evidence that they are recognised and supported by their school community;

Evidence of ordination, religious qualification or endorsement by an accepted religious organisation; and

Evidence of academic qualifications that meet the program requirements.

A cross-sector panel has been established to determine how the programme will be administered in South Australia, including how the project funding of $7.49 million per annum will be shared between the schooling sectors.

Schools have applied for funding and funds will be allocated to successful schools as soon as practicable upon receipt of South Australia's funding allocation under this program from the Abbott Government.