Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
South-East Drainage System
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (15:18): Supplementary question: what is the budget, technically? How much will the 'newDemocracy' be paid for this particular project, and which agency or where will the money be coming from to fund the new democracy consultation?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (15:18): I have already answered—Mr Ridgway might like to check Hansard.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: If the Liberal members opposite would actually listen to the answers I give in this place, they would not need to get up and ask silly questions.
The Hon. D.W. Ridgway: You only answered half of it. Answer the bit you haven't. You're being a smart alec.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: The Hon. Mr Ridgway now says that he recollects that I did answer the second part of the supplementary question.
The Hon. D.W. Ridgway: I want the bit I asked—don't be a smart alec.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: One wonders why he asked it in the first place.
The PRESIDENT: Sit down. Before we go any further, I do not want you to be calling, 'You're a smart alec' to a minister across the aisle—you understand that? If you do that, I won't recognise you—do you understand that—from now on. It's very rude. I do not mind a bit of robust discussion, a bit of banter, but getting too personal and calling someone a smart alec is just not parliamentary.
The Hon. T.A. Franks: Are you still finishing?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: Yes, I am.
The Hon. T.A. Franks: So, we're not allowed to be 'smart' in this place?
The PRESIDENT: You can be smart; there are quite a few smart people here, but you should not refer to someone as a smart alec. The Hon. Mr Hunter.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: In relation to the first part of the Hon. Mr Ridgway's question, in terms of the quantum of funding being provided I understand it is just over $100,000. I am not aware of the exact figure, but it is just somewhat over $100,000.