Parliamentary Procedure
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety
The Hon. S.G. WADE (15:05): Supplementary, sir. I appreciate the minister may need to take this on notice but, in terms of the scope of the consideration of the domestic violence officer, do they consider the deaths of children who die as a result of sexual abuse, child abuse or child neglect?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (15:05): The role, as I said, is a one FTE position and it is specifically attached to the Coroner's office to facilitate investigations into deaths resulting from domestic violence or family violence. If the definition of 'domestic violence' is now being expanded to include carers and suchlike, it would need to meet that criteria. They are domestic violence or family violence related deaths.