Opening of Parliament
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Address in Reply
Members, New and Former
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (15:22): I move:
That this council expresses thanks to former members, the Hon. Ann Bressington and the Hon. Carmel Zollo, and also welcomes new members, the Hon. Tung Ngo and the Hon. Andrew McLachlan.
I will keep this reasonably short as this is a traditional formality at the start of each session. At the end of the last parliamentary session, we had the opportunity to express our thanks to the Hon. Carmel Zollo, whom we knew was retiring, and to acknowledge her immense contribution in this place. At that point in time I stated Carmel's valuable contribution and service to the people of this state, so I will not go over that again but, rather, wish Carmel well in her life after parliament.
The Hon. Ann Bressington does not rejoin us at this parliamentary session, and I hope that her health has returned after struggling with an illness late last year. The Hon. Ann Bressington has always been one to stand up for what she believes in. She is a passionate person and intensely conveys her opinions. I wish her well and the best of luck for whatever the future holds for her.
Finally, I welcome two new members to this place: the Hon. Tung Ngo on this side of the chamber and the Hon. Andrew McLachlan on the other side of the chamber. Working in this place can be fairly overwhelming at times when trying to comprehend and navigate your way through many standing orders and conventions. There is no orientation or induction manual, but there are plenty of colleagues in this place, both on this side and on the other side, who would obviously assist whenever they can. I wish both of you all the very best, and I know that under the trusted guidance of the clerks, attendants and your colleagues, you will be provided with the help and support that is needed to be effective elected members representing the people of this state.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (15:25): Mr President, I will second the motion and offer a few remarks on behalf of the opposition. To our former members, Carmel Zollo and Ann Bressington—of course, Carmel Zollo, to my recollection, was the first woman to be appointed a minister in this term of this Labor government in this Legislative Council. I know we have had previous female ministers. I think Carmel Zollo served the parliament and South Australia with distinction while she was in that role.
Ann Bressington certainly spoke her mind; none of us were ever left in any doubt as to what she was thinking, whether it was during question time or a debate. A couple of engagements I had with her were certainly robust, to say the least. I wish both of those people all the very best in their retirement; it is the next phase of their life, and I do hope that they have a long, prosperous and joyful retirement.
Of course, there are two new members who come to the parliament: on this side, Mr Andrew McLachlan, who I have known for a number of years. I am sure members here will learn to understand that he has a keen sense of humour and a very sharp mind. He will add a lot of value to this side of the chamber, and at some point in the not too distant future I hope he adds a lot of value to that side of the chamber.
Finally, Mr Tung Ngo, who I have come across over a number of years: some years ago, I was the shadow minister assisting the shadow minister for multicultural affairs and got to know the multicultural community quite well, and had a lot to do with them. I have to say that Tung was somebody who was always warm and welcoming. I think recognition has to be made of this: in this last election cycle, I was at a function in Enfield with the Vietnamese community, I think, and the Liberal candidate for Enfield was a late arrival. Tung borrowed a piece of paper from me and a pen, wrote his name and gave it to the MC so that he could be recognised. I thought that was a particularly decent thing for Tung to have done.
In the heat of an election campaign we do not often see other parties acknowledging their opponents, but he did it then, and I think he certainly comes here having already proved that he is a gentleman. I hope, as he discharges his duties as the whip, that he treats us in that same way. I would like to welcome those two new members and of course wish the retiring members all the very best.
Motion carried.