Legislative Council: Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Committee Stage

In committee.

Clause 1.

The Hon. M. PARNELL: Just briefly, members will recall that we took this to a second reading vote on the last private members' day and, whilst it did not have the support of government, the opposition supported the second reading but made no commitment to support the third reading, so I thought I would at least keep it going for another couple of weeks and see whether the opposition changed its mind. I understand that it has not, so I do not propose to have any detailed committee debate, but we are in committee and I urge all honourable members to support the bill, but I do not propose to make any further remarks on it.

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD: I will be brief as well, given the hour, but I would like to place on record that Family First will not support the bill. It was originally our bill that passed the chamber that substantially changed the regulated tree legislation, and we are very proud of that change that was made in the law at that time. I think it has freed up the issue surrounding regulated trees and all the restrictions that are placed on them.

I can understand what the Hon. Mark Parnell is doing here. There have been some what I would call 'teething problems' with the legislation, but I understand the government has been dealing with those by regulation and through the local government sector, so we are satisfied with the law as it currently stands.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: The Liberal Party is not satisfied with the law as it currently stands, but we are not convinced that the Hon. Mark Parnell's amendments actually improve it; in fact, in some ways I think some of his proposals might actually make it worse, so we will not support the third reading.

Clause passed.

Remaining clauses (2 to 5) and title passed.

Bill reported without amendment.

Third Reading

The Hon. M. PARNELL (22:56): I move:

That this bill be now read a third time.

Third reading negatived.