Legislative Council: Tuesday, September 04, 2012



293 The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (7 July 2011) (First Session). For the period between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011, will the Minister for Environment and Conservation list—

1. Job title and total employment cost of each position with a total estimated cost of $100,000 or more, which has been abolished; and

2. Each new position with a total cost of $100,000 or more, which has been created?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): The Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation has been advised:

Between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011 positions with a total employment cost of $100,000 or more:

1. Abolished:

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Principal Consultant $114,842
Senior Botanist $112,601
Manager, Volunteer Strategy $116,929
Director NRM Investment $141,362
Interim Deputy Regional $114,842
Snr Project Officer $114,842
Chief Information Manager $116,929
Senior Project Officer $114,842
Department for Water Manager, Stormwater $120,451
Commissioner for Water Security $152,392
Director, Water Licensing & Compliance $185,095
Director, Infrastructure & Business $185,095
Principal Scientist Monitoring $113,043
Manager, Strategic Projects $107,103
Program Leader, Water Sciences $106,653
Manager, Water Systems Reform $111,196
Director, Strategy $127,226
Environment Protection Authority Nil N/A
Zero Waste SA Nil N/A
SA Water Corporation Security Manager $114,327
Emergency Mgmt Engineer $133,623
Manager Customer Strategy $119,354

2. Created:

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Manager, Alinytja Wilurara $140,310
Regional Manager—Kangaroo Is $141,362
Regional Manager—SA MDB $175,000
Regional Manager—SA Arid Lands $155,000
Regional Manager—Adelaide and Mt Lofty $197,801
Regional Manager—Nth & Yorke $172,181
Regional Manager—South East $155,000
Regional Manager—Eyre $155,000
Director Stakeholder Mgt $157,673
Dir, Regional Integration $150,354
Principal Advisor Ecological Analysis $112,601
RaIN Facilitator $114,842
Principal Policy Officer $114,842
Dir, Legislation, Policy and Planning $151,000
Dir, Volunteers and Visitor Services $141,362
Principal Project Officer $114,842
Snr Policy Off—Visitor Mgt $114,842
Snr Project Officer $114,842
Principal Policy Off—Marine Projects $114,842
Mgr, Performance and Strategy $112,601
Mgr, Program Integration $114,842
Director Public Land Mgt & Operations $155,000
Manager, Boards & Committees $116,929
Department for Water Manager, South East Water Policy $105,191
Manager, Urban Water Policy & Economics $130,800
Principal Hydrologist $102,623
Executive Director, Policy & Urban Water $179,375
Director, State Research Coordinator $141,362
Director, Water Planning $177,325
Director, National Water Reform & Economics $164,000
Chief Information Officer $158,875
Director, Murray Darling Basin Policy & Reform $160,746
Environment Protection Authority Project Manager $105,192
Senior Consultant $105,192
Zero Waste SA Nil N/A
SA Water Corporation Strategic Procurement Category Manager $163,500
Contracts Manager $130,800
Senior Procurement Specialist $125,350
Senior Procurement Specialist $125,350
Senior Procurement Specialist $125,350

In regard to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, note that:

16 of the positions created are fixed contract only (10 of these relate directly to the NRM integration project); and

a number of positions will be abolished once new Regional Team Managers are in place (i.e. Regional Conservator and Deputy Regional Conservator positions).