Legislative Council: Wednesday, March 09, 2011



The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:09): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister representing the Treasurer a question about unmet needs.

Leave granted.

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: A year ago today Dr Paul Collier passed away, leaving my place in this parliament as his legacy. Paul was a tireless campaigner for people with disabilities, and he was particularly passionate about addressing the unmet needs of our community. When Paul died there were hundreds of people with disabilities going without essential services every day in this state and, tragically, this has not changed. In fact, the most recent unmet needs data indicates that the situation has worsened.

This week the government has been engaged in high level talks with the AFL and SACA finalising yet another upgrade to Adelaide Oval, but this time the government has agreed to spend $535 million of our money to fund it. My questions to the Treasurer are:

1. How much will it cost to clear the disability unmet needs list?

2. Does the Treasurer truly believe that that $535 million would be better spent on upgrading Adelaide Oval than on providing our citizens with essential care and support?

3. Will the Treasurer reprioritise the government's budget in order to realise Dr Paul Collier's dream of a society in which everyone is respected and valued equally?

The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN (Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for State/Local Government Relations, Minister for Gambling) (15:11): I am sure all honourable members will join me in remembering Dr Paul Collier and the contribution he made to those with disabilities and those for whom he was an advocate. I am sure those who were close to him, as well as those involved in the organisation which the honourable member represents, continue to miss him. In relation to the funding for unmet needs, I will refer that to the Treasurer or the appropriate minister in the other place and bring back a response.