Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
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Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. M. PARNELL (14:43): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Regional Development, representing the Minister for Energy, a question about solar feed-in tariffs.
Leave granted.
The Hon. M. PARNELL: Over six months ago, the Premier announced a long overdue increase in the feed-in scheme rate for solar panels, from 44¢ per kilowatt hour to 54¢ per kilowatt hour, as well as obligating retailers to pay an additional minimum rate for the power they receive from the owners of solar panels. Yet six months later the government still has not acted on this commitment. Almost every day I receive correspondence asking me why panel owners are still being underpaid.
This delay means that solar panel owners will be short-changed about $1.5 million by the time the government gets around to legislating the new tariff and it comes into effect. If the government delays beyond June, the amount will be even higher. It is costing solar panel owners collectively about $5,000 per day in lost returns, and individual households will lose about $100 each, directly attributable to the delay.
Of great frustration to the renewable energy community is that the high energy summer season has come and gone with no fulfilment of the government's promise. My question is: when will the government honour its commitment to increase the solar feed-in tariff and force energy companies to pay a fair price for the green electricity they take from solar panel owners?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Public Sector Management, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises) (14:44): I thank the honourable member for his questions and will refer them to the Minister for Energy in another place and bring back a response. It is always disappointing to see the whingeing, whining and carping that goes on in this place. Before this government came into power there were, in fact, no wind turbines present in the state and very little solar power at all. In our time we have seen a massive proliferation of wind-powered energy, a massive expansion of solar power also, and a plethora of initiatives to provide incentives to South Australians to green up their energy. There has been no recognition at all. You do not hear anything of that at all from the Greens. There is no recognition of all of that work that has been put in place.
An honourable member interjecting:
The Hon. G.E. GAGO: No, not at all. Not one mention. Not one little bit of recognition of the enormous amount of work that this government has done and the commitment that this government has to continuing to green up our state. Nevertheless, we expect nothing more than whingeing, whining and carping. As I said, I will take those questions on notice and bring back a response.