Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Personal Explanation
Ministerial Statement
The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (14:43): I have a supplementary question arising from the answer. Minister, you mentioned the removal of the $50,000 cap. Are you going to let market forces dictate the price of a gaming machine entitlement?
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Gambling, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:43): I understand that, after the consultation process was completed, we received 11Â responses from people who were concerned about and interested in the draft policy legislation that was out for consultation. We will be responding to those very shortly, and that will also be available on the web.
As I have mentioned, one of the issues is the removal of the cap, which should, for all intents and purposes, stimulate the market and see the poker machines change hands, so that we can achieve that extra 800 poker machine reduction that we want.
At the time the legislation is before the council, I will obviously be able to inform the chamber exactly how we will achieve that. That policy is being developed now and is still to be finalised, and we can have a good debate on the issue at that time. The process will also be dictated by regulation.