Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (14:56): As a supplementary question arising from the answer, prior to attending these fundraising lunches with senior executives from business interests, does the minister's staff provide him with a breakdown of the names of the individuals he is dining with and the companies they represent?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Police, Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning) (14:56): Of course, if I go to any dinners I meet with hundreds of people, and I would go to least half a dozen dinners and be introduced to all sorts of people regularly every week. In relation to the Tower 8 development, I have had very few meetings. In fact, in relation to that particular development, I do not know whether or not the company that was just mentioned has some connection with this project.
The original project in relation to the development of the precinct around the General Post Office, and the whole of that area that is to be redeveloped, was originally being handled through the Office of Infrastructure. It is an extremely significant development for this state because it is most unusual to have an entire city block of that size, from King William Street to Waymouth Street and from Bentham Street to Franklin Street, redeveloped. That is why the government has concerns about not so much that it was rejected but more about the manner in which it was done, which I believe was intolerable, as my press release stated, for the future of this city.
We have a situation where you can have a minority of members present, and only one of the four independent members present on the panel, and a project is rejected and not even deferred for further discussion. I believe that that is an intolerable position because it sends a message—the wrong sort of message—about the future of this city, and that is why I make no apology at all for taking the action I did, and I would do so again, regardless of whom I meet and who goes to fundraisers. As I said, I do not recall having had meetings with the principals of this company for a number of years.
Members interjecting: